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Poster War Erupts as BJP Portrays Rahul as Ravan and Congress Depicts Modi as Daanav

Published On : 2023-10-08T11:41:49+0530 [ IST ] | Author : Amit_Rahangdale

Poster War Erupts as BJP Portrays Rahul as Ravan and Congress Depicts Modi as Daanav

Poster War Erupts as BJP Portrays Rahul as Ravan and Congress Depicts Modi as Daanav

India :

In a visually charged war of words, a political poster struggle has erupted among the BJP and Congress, with each birthday celebration using mythological references to criticize its opponent. The BJP has portrayed rahul-gandhi" target="_blank">Rahul Gandhi as Ravan, even as the Congress has depicted Narendra Modi as a Daanav (demon). This competitive change of political imagery underscores the fierce competition within the run-up to the elections. Political posters and visible campaigns have long been part of electoral strategies, aiming to sway public opinion and create robust visual associations. The use of mythological characters in these posters adds a dramatic and symbolic measurement to the political discourse. Ravan, a vital antagonist inside the Indian epic Ramayana, is often related to poor tendencies and actions. Daanav, a term for demon, includes comparable connotations. These portrayals are symbolic of the political narratives every birthday party desires to carry about its opponent. As election season heats up, political parties interact in diverse strategies to connect with voters and gain an side within the electoral race. The poster battle is just one aspect of the wider political war, and it displays the aggressive nature of Indian politics. The impact of such visible campaigns on voter sentiments and choices remains a subject of debate. While a few may additionally view them as effective messaging, others may also bear in mind them polarizing. As the election unfolds, the role of visual imagery and symbolism in politics will remain a subject of discussion and analysis.


Source : India Today

Tags : War , Congress , BJP , Poster , Rahul Ravan , Modi Daanav ,

Summary : A political poster war has escalated between the BJP and Congress, with the BJP depicting rahul-gandhi" target="_blank">Rahul Gandhi as Ravan and Congress portraying Narendra Modi as a Daanav (demon). This visually charged battle reflects the intense political rivalry in the lead-up to the elections.


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