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"Stable Prices for Key Food Items Expected Throughout Festival Season, Confirms Official"

Published On : 2023-10-20T11:17:23+0530 [ IST ] | Author : Amit_Rahangdale
Home Health FOOD

Consumers and families often assume fluctuations in food prices for the duration of competition seasons. The respectable declaration serves to allay those worries, underscoring the importance of stead

Consumers and families often assume fluctuations in food prices for the duration of competition seasons. The respectable declaration serves to allay those worries, underscoring the importance of stead

India :

Prices of essential food items will remain stable during the festival season, Union Food Secretary Sanjeev Chopra on Thursday said. The decision on allowing sugar exports during the current

2023-24 marketing year (October September) will be taken after the agriculture ministry comes out with the production estimates of sugarcane, he added. The secretary was briefing the media on the domestic supply and prices of key essential food items like wheat, rice, sugar and edible oils.

"Prices are expected to remain stable during the festival season. We are not anticipating any manner of hike (in food item prices) in the festival season. Hopefully, prices should rule stable in the next couple of months," Sanjeev Chopra told reporters here. The government has taken some decisions recently to ensure price stabilisation, the secretary said. The government has recently used all tools at its command, whether trade policy or stock limit norms.

These tools have been used judiciously to ensure prices remain stable to check prices, Sanjeev Chopra noted.Sugar opening stock stood at 57 lakh tonnes on October 1, the start of the new marketing year, Sanjeev Chopra noted.

Consumers and families often assume fluctuations in food prices for the duration of competition seasons. The respectable declaration serves to allay those worries, underscoring the importance of steady expenses for essential food items. In conclusion, the legit assurance of strong fees for key food gadgets all through the festival season is a noteworthy improvement that helps customer well-being and monetary stability. This commitment to fee stability is predicted to offer alleviation to families as they put together to have a good time and experience the imminent festive occasions without the weight of hovering food expenses.


Source : Nagpur Today

Tags : Stable Prices , Festival Season , Food Items , Official Statement , Consumer Assurance ,

Summary : An reputable assertion assures purchasers that prices for vital meals items are predicted to remain strong during the upcoming pageant season, supplying alleviation and self belief to households.


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