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Prime Minister Modi Criticizes Congress, Denounces Dynastic Politics

Published On : 2024-03-05T16:08:21+0530 [ IST ] | Author : Mayur_Tembhare
Home Political Elections

India :

Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a scathing attack on the Congress party during a BJP rally, criticizing its reluctance to promote young leaders and its inclination towards appointing individuals over 75-80 years old. He appeared to indirectly target AICC President Mallikarjun Kharge, insinuating that the party's leadership was aged.

Modi accused the Congress and other "dynastic parties" of targeting him for exposing corruption scandals worth billions of rupees. He asserted that he has never made personal attacks but has consistently opposed dynasty politics for its detrimental impact on democracy and opportunities for youth.

Highlighting the Congress party's history, Modi remarked that it was not initially dynastic but had failed to promote individuals below the age of 50. Instead, he claimed, the party favored appointing elderly individuals to maintain control and prevent younger leaders from overshadowing established family hierarchies.

Drawing attention to the adverse effects of family-run politics, Modi criticized states governed by such parties, asserting that they had suffered while the families grew stronger. He questioned the legitimacy of perpetuating dynastic politics and emphasized its undemocratic, anti-talent, and anti-youth nature.

In response to his criticism of dynasty politics, Modi recounted that opponents would deflect by claiming he lacked a family.

Source : DNA

Tags : Congress , Mallikarjun Kharge , Prime Minister Narendra Modi , Corruption , family-run parties , BJP rally , dynasty politics ,

Summary : Prime Minister Narendra Modi criticized the Congress party, accusing it of being hesitant to promote young leaders and highlighting its preference for appointing individuals over 75-80 years old. He also took aim at dynastic parties, asserting that they target him for exposing corruption. Modi emphasized the dangers of dynasty politics to democracy and called for an end to family-run politics, labeling them as anti-democratic, anti-talent, and anti-youth.


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