
| March 4, 2024, 12:43 p.m.

MPs from 12 Countries Urge Governments to Ban Arms Sales to Israel

Over 200 lawmakers from 12 countries have signed a letter urging their governments to impose a ban on arms sales to Israel in response to the assault on Gaza. Organized by Progressive International, the letter argues against complicity in Israel's actions, citing violations of international law and the devastating loss of Palestinian lives. The initiative has garnered support from prominent politicians and activists worldwide, highlighting growing international concern over the situation in Gaza.

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Crude Oil in Hands

Crude Oil in Hands

| Feb. 7, 2024, 6:03 a.m.

Crude Oil Futures Rise Amid Steady US Production Expectations

Crude oil futures experienced an upward trend as the United States anticipates stable crude oil production throughout the year. Prices for April Brent oil futures and March crude oil futures on WTI (West Texas Intermediate) saw modest gains, reflecting market sentiments amidst forecasts of consistent output from the US. The Energy Information Administration (EIA) reported record high production levels in December, but disruptions due to inclement weather led to a temporary decline in January. However, production is expected to rebound close to previous highs in the coming months, influencing market dynamics.

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