Political Unity

Ajit Pawar | Deputy Chief Minister Maharastra

Ajit Pawar | Deputy Chief Minister Maharastra

| Aug. 2, 2023, 1:08 p.m.

Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar Affirms Unbroken Bonds with NCP Chief Sharad Pawar Amid Political Speculation

Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar has emphatically asserted that he and Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) Chief Sharad Pawar remain united despite recent political developments. Speaking at an event in Pune, Ajit Pawar addressed concerns about their relationship following his attendance alongside his uncle at an award ceremony featuring Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He reassured that their shared political history and divergent stances do not signify a separation, highlighting their strong family bonds. This affirmation comes amidst speculation about the two leaders' alignment after Ajit's split from the NCP.

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