Joe Biden

Jain Acharya Lokesh Honored with American Presidential Award for Humanitarian Work

Jain Acharya Lokesh Honored with American Presidential Award for Humanitarian Work

| April 10, 2024, 5:31 a.m.

Jain Acharya Lokesh Honored with American Presidential Award for Humanitarian Work

Jain Acharya Lokesh, founder of Ahimsa Vishwa Bharati and World Peace Centre, has been awarded the American Presidential Award for his humanitarian efforts. He is the first Indian monk to receive this prestigious honor. US President Joe Biden commended Acharya Lokesh's contributions to public welfare and global peace, emphasizing the importance of hope, light, and love in today's world. In his acceptance speech, Acharya Lokesh expressed gratitude for the recognition and pledged to continue serving humanity based on Indian cultural and spiritual values.

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| March 17, 2024, 10:28 a.m.

Trump Declares November Election as Pivotal Moment in US History

At a rally in Ohio, former President Donald Trump emphasized the significance of the upcoming November election, portraying it as a pivotal moment for the nation's trajectory. Trump warned of potential consequences if he is not elected, raising concerns over threats to the US auto industry and invoking the specter of a "bloodbath." His remarks sparked a response from President Joe Biden's campaign, labeling Trump as a "loser" and condemning his rhetoric. The rally underscored Trump's focus on key issues such as immigration reform and outreach to minority voters, amid preparations for a rematch against Biden in the 2024 presidential race.

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| March 14, 2024, 4:39 a.m.

Age Becomes a Key Factor in the 2024 US Presidential Election

The 2024 US Presidential Election is shaping up to be a battle between age and experience. With President Joe Biden, 81, facing off against former President Donald Trump, 78, and a record-breaking combined age between the two main candidates, concerns over age and health are becoming prominent. While Biden's recent State of the Union address aimed to address criticisms, challenges persist, including perceptions of memory lapses and age-related issues. As the campaign unfolds, the role of age in leadership and governance may emerge as a decisive factor.

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Joe Biden Raises Concerns Over Canadian Sikh Separatist's Murder with Modi at G20 Summit

Joe Biden Raises Concerns Over Canadian Sikh Separatist's Murder with Modi at G20 Summit

| Sept. 22, 2023, 8 a.m.

Joe Biden Raises Concerns Over Canadian Sikh Separatist's Murder with Modi at G20 Summit

During the G20 Summit, President Joe Biden of the United States reportedly mentioned the homicide of a Canadian Sikh separatist with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The verbal exchange between the two leaders highlights the importance of addressing global concerns and maintaining diplomatic speak.

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President Of United States : Joe Biden's

President Of United States : Joe Biden's

| Sept. 7, 2023, 8:20 a.m.

US President Joe Biden's Visit to India for G20 Summit and Ukraine Crisis Talks

This article discusses President Joe Biden's upcoming visit to New Delhi, India, where he will meet with Prime Minister Narendra Modi and participate in the G20 Leaders' Summit. The article highlights the challenges in achieving consensus on the Ukraine crisis at the G20 and the United States' commitment to opposing Russia's actions. It also touches on India's stance on the conflict and the broader economic agenda that President Biden aims to promote at the Summit.

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