Foreign Minister

Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang looks on during his meeting with his Egyptian counterpart Sameh Shoukry in Cairo, Egypt, January 2023.(REUTERS)

Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang looks on during his meeting with his Egyptian counterpart Sameh Shoukry in Cairo, Egypt, January 2023.(REUTERS)

| July 25, 2023, 3:26 p.m.

China Replaces Foreign Minister Qin Gang Amid Speculation Over His Month-Long Absence

China has removed Foreign Minister Qin Gang from his post after a month-long absence from public duties, with state media reporting that his predecessor Wang Yi will be taking over the role. Qin, who had been missing from public appearances since June 25, cited unspecified health reasons for his absence, leading to speculation about his condition and concerns over transparency within the country's leadership. The leadership change comes amidst a critical period of international engagements and strained relations with the United States.

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