
| March 5, 2024, 10:38 a.m.

Prime Minister Modi Criticizes Congress, Denounces Dynastic Politics

Prime Minister Narendra Modi criticized the Congress party, accusing it of being hesitant to promote young leaders and highlighting its preference for appointing individuals over 75-80 years old. He also took aim at dynastic parties, asserting that they target him for exposing corruption. Modi emphasized the dangers of dynasty politics to democracy and called for an end to family-run politics, labeling them as anti-democratic, anti-talent, and anti-youth.

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| March 4, 2024, 10:22 a.m.

PM Modi Counters Opposition, Highlights Development Initiatives in Telangana

Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed a gathering in Telangana's Adilabad, countering criticism from the opposition and highlighting the government's development initiatives. He emphasized his commitment to the nation and announced multiple infrastructure projects worth over Rs 56,000 crore. The projects include those in the power, rail, road, and renewable energy sectors. PM Modi reaffirmed his dedication to fulfilling the aspirations of the people and promoting inclusive development.

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Delhi High Court

Delhi High Court

| Feb. 4, 2024, 10:41 a.m.

Delhi High Court Asserts CBI's Accountability under RTI Act for Corruption and Human Rights Violations

The Delhi High Court has ruled that the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is not completely exempt from the Right to Information (RTI) Act, affirming the agency's accountability for providing information related to corruption and human rights violations. The decision came in response to a plea challenging a Central Information Commission directive to the CBI to disclose details of an investigation. The court clarified that the RTI Act permits disclosure of information on corruption and human rights violations, rejecting the CBI's claim of blanket immunity under Section 24.

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Madhya Pradesh Congress president Kamal Nath along with party supporters show posters alleging a 50% commission corruption charge against the state government.(ANI)

Madhya Pradesh Congress president Kamal Nath along with party supporters show posters alleging a 50% commission corruption charge against the state government.(ANI)

| Aug. 18, 2023, 1:36 p.m.

Congress Unveils 'Ghotala Sheet' Exposing Alleged Scams Under BJP Rule in Madhya Pradesh

The Congress party has released a document titled 'Ghotala Sheet,' which catalogues a series of alleged scams that occurred during the 18-year tenure of the BJP government in Madhya Pradesh. State Congress chief Kamal Nath accused the Shivraj Singh Chouhan-led government of overseeing a record number of scams, and likened Chief Minister Chouhan to future search results for the term "scam" on Google. The sheet lists various purported scams, including the Vyapam scam, illegal mining, e-tender scam, RTO scam, liquor scam, and others. The Congress also invited public participation against corruption by providing a missed call number. BJP President Vishnu Dutt Sharma responded by labeling Nath as "Corruption Nath" and critiquing the leaflet's lack of credit line.

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