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US counterintelligence agencies have issued a stern caution to the American space industry regarding the potential threats posed by foreign intelligence entities aiming to pilfer research, trade secre

Published On : 2023-08-18T21:30:43+0530 [ IST ] | Author : Mayur_Tembhare

Artimise Mission Space Craft Launch ( NASA )

Artimise Mission Space Craft Launch ( NASA )

United States :

threats-posed-by-foreign-intelligence-entities-aiming-to-pilfer-research-trade-secre" target="_blank">US counterintelligence agencies have issued a stern caution to the American space industry regarding the potential threats posed by foreign intelligence entities aiming to pilfer research, trade secrets, and cutting-edge technology in an effort to bolster their own space programs.

A U.S. counterintelligence official stated to Reuters that they anticipate an increasing array of threats aimed at this rapidly expanding sector of the US economy, with China and Russia being among the foremost foreign intelligence risks to the U.S. space industry.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the National Counterintelligence and Security Center (NCSC), and the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) collectively released a concise two-page bulletin. In it, they highlighted the utilization of methods such as cyberattacks, joint ventures, acquisitions, and investments" target="_blank">strategic investments by unspecified foreign entities to gain unauthorized access to the US space industry.

This measure signifies the latest in a series of efforts by the U.S. government to raise awareness about a recurring issue that has perturbed counterintelligence officials for quite some time. With the US space industry investing billions in the development of new rockets and advanced technology, securing against such threats is increasingly vital.

The advisory specifically cautioned companies to be vigilant about unusual requests for facility visits and the potential collection of confidential data during conferences. Moreover, individual employees were identified as potential targets for recruitment through offers of overseas travel, consultation opportunities, and monetary compensation for proprietary information.

Companies were advised to promptly report any suspicions of being targeted to the FBI or AFOSI, and to actively track and evaluate any "peculiar incidents." Establishing "insider threat" programs, particularly for vetting individuals in sensitive roles, was also recommended.

For years, US authorities have voiced concerns about Chinese hackers targeting American space-related knowledge. These concerns have manifested through the unauthorized access of computers at institutions like the NASA Goddard Space Center and Jet Propulsion Laboratory, as well as multiple companies involved in aviation, space, and satellite technology.

In 2019, Chinese national Tao Li was sentenced to 40 months in prison for conspiring to illicitly export military- and space-grade technology to China. This included items like radiation-hardened power amplifiers and circuits.

While China asserts that its space program is dedicated to peaceful purposes, US military officials contend that Beijing views space as integral to its military strategy. This year, the US cautioned that China aims to either equal or surpass the US in space capabilities by 2045.


Source : Pentagon ( United States )

Tags : China , Russia , Counterintelligence , Cyberattacks , US Space Industry , Technology Theft , Foreign Espionage ,

Summary : US counterintelligence agencies have issued a warning to the American space industry about potential foreign intelligence efforts to steal research, trade secrets, and technology in order to bolster their own space programs. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the National Counterintelligence and Security Center (NCSC), and the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) have issued a bulletin highlighting the risks posed by cyberattacks, investments" target="_blank">strategic investments, joint ventures, and acquisitions that foreign entities might use to infiltrate the US space industry. This comes as a response to the growing threat posed by countries like China and Russia to the US's space industry, which is investing significant amounts in developing new space technologies.


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