Police resort to mild lathicharge at Sakora village in Nandgaon, ruckus over allegations of cash distribution

Published On : 2024-11-21T01:09:45+0530 [ IST ] | Author : Mayur_Tembhare
Reading Time : 1 mins
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Police resort to mild lathi charge at Sakora village in Nandgaon, ruckus over allegations of cash distributionNANDGAON (NASHIK): TheNashik rural police and special teams resorted to mild lathi charge to disperse a crowd atSakora village near Nand

We used the force to disperse the crowd. We impounded the two SUVs from the village which were halted by the villagers claiming that they were carrying cash. The SUVs were searched in front of the villagers but nothing incriminating

"We have appealed to the villagers not to create trouble, otherwise we will continue to use force to deter them," Deshmane said.

Within a few minutes police checked another SUV and found six liquor bottles in it. The vehicle was impounded by police.

Deputy superintendent of police Bajirao Mahajan said: "We have taken three SUVs to theNandgaon police station to check them thoroughly. We will also verify their ownership and will call them for verification.

The villagers who took videos using their mobile phones claimed that a man stood on one of the SUVs and threw money at the voters urging them to vote for a candidate.

On Wednesday afternoon TOI visited the village and found that the villagers blocked the road demanding a search of the two SUVs. Despite repeated requests by the police authorities the villagers did not budge and continued their blockade. Following this police summoned the additional force to the village and resorted to the mild lathi-charge

Source : Reporters From Sunrise Chronicles

Tags : Vikram Deshmane , Bajirao Mahajan , Within , cashnashik ): thenashik rural policeand special teams resorted , Sakora , Wednesday , mildvikram deshmane told toi , Despite , villagenashik rural ,

Summary :

Police resort to mild lathi charge at Sakora village in Nandgaon, ruckus over allegations of cash distributionNANDGAON (NASHIK): TheNashik rural police and special teams resorted to mild lathi char