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MPs from 12 Countries Urge Governments to Ban Arms Sales to Israel

Published On : 2024-03-04T18:13:09+0530 [ IST ] | Author : Mayur_Tembhare
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In a significant show of solidarity, more than 200 lawmakers from 12 countries have joined forces to advocate for a ban on arms sales to Israel in response to the ongoing assault on Gaza. Organized by Progressive International, a network of socialist MPs and activists focused on international justice, the initiative aims to address what signatories view as Israel's grave violation of international law and human rights.

The letter, signed by MPs from various political backgrounds, including former leaders of political parties, underscores the urgent need to hold governments accountable for their role in supplying arms to Israel. It comes amid mounting public outrage over the staggering loss of Palestinian lives in Gaza, where over 30,000 people have been killed.

Prominent figures endorsing the campaign include former UK Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn, Australian Senator Larissa Waters, and Spanish party Podemos leader Ione Belarra, among others. Additionally, Democratic congresswomen Cori Bush and Rashida Tlaib from the United States have lent their support to the cause.

The action by parliamentarians reflects a growing consensus that arms sales to Israel contribute to the perpetuation of violence and human suffering in Gaza. The signatories argue that such transactions undermine efforts to achieve peace and stability in the region and are incompatible with the principles of justice and accountability.

The letter highlights recent legal pronouncements, including a statement by UN experts, which suggest that arms transfers to Israel for use in Gaza likely violate international humanitarian law. It calls on governments to adhere to their legal obligations and cease all arms shipments to Israel immediately.

The initiative faces challenges at the international level, including efforts to block resolutions condemning Israeli actions in Gaza. However, supporters remain committed to amplifying their message and holding governments accountable for their complicity in the ongoing crisis.

As the campaign gains momentum, it underscores the importance of international solidarity in addressing human rights abuses and promoting peace and justice in conflict-affected regions. By uniting lawmakers from diverse backgrounds, the initiative sends a powerful message that the world is watching and demands action to end the cycle of violence in Gaza.

Source : The Guardian

Tags : MPs , Gaza , Israel , Progressive International , UN , UK , United States , arms sales , international law , human rights ,

Summary : Over 200 lawmakers from 12 countries have signed a letter urging their governments to impose a ban on arms sales to Israel in response to the assault on Gaza. Organized by Progressive International, the letter argues against complicity in Israel's actions, citing violations of international law and the devastating loss of Palestinian lives. The initiative has garnered support from prominent politicians and activists worldwide, highlighting growing international concern over the situation in Gaza.


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