Microsoft prepares itself to tackle another CrowdStrike-like Windows outage

Published On : 2024-11-19T22:24:32+0530 [ IST ] | Author : Mayur_Tembhare
Reading Time : 2 mins
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In response to a recent security incident where a bad update affected about 8.5 million Windows PCs and servers globally Microsoft has announced updates to the Windows Resiliency Initiative aimed at fortifying the security and reliability of its operating system. This initiative includes core changes to Windows making it easier for customers

"We are committed to ensuring that Windows remains the most reliable and resilient open platform for our customers," the company said at Microsoft Ignite 2024.

As part of this commitment we are introducing the Windows Resiliency Initiative covering four areas of focus:

Strengthen reliability based on learnings from the incident we saw in July.Enabling more apps and users to run without admin privileges.Stronger controls for what apps and drivers are allowed to run.Improved identity protection to prevent

Microsoft introduces Quick Machine Recovery" Microsoft introduces Quick Machine Recovery"

Microsoft introduces "Quick Machine Recovery"

One of the key features of this initiative is the "Quick Machine Recovery" tool developed in the wake of the recent CrowdStrike incident. This feature allows IT administrators to remotely deploy fixes to machines even when they are unable to boot

Microsoft claims that the feature will enable IT administrators to execute targeted fixes from Windows Update on PCs even when machines are unable to boot without needing physical access to the PC.

The Windows Resiliency Initiative also includes platform improvements designed to enhance control over applications and drivers and to enable antivirus processing outside of kernel mode. These changes aim to provide a more secure and robust foundation for Windows users.

This means security products can run in user mode just as apps do. This change will help security developers provide a high level of security, easier recovery and there will be less impact on Windows in the event of a crash or

A private preview of the tool will be available for our security product ecosystem in July 2025.

Source : Reporters From Sunrise Chronicles

Tags : The , Microsoft , This , As , July , securityrun without admin privileges , One , Windows Update , Strengthen , incidentwindows resiliency initiative also includes platform improvements designed ,

Summary :

In response to a recent security incident where a bad update affected about 8.5 million Windows PCs and servers globally Microsoft has announced updates to the Windows Resiliency Initiative aimed a