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Kadapa MP Y.S. Avinash Reddy Responds to Sharmila's Allegations

Published On : 2024-04-07T12:30:35+0530 [ IST ] | Author : Mayur_Tembhare
Home Political Elections

YS Avinash reacts to Sharmila's comments Kadapa MP Y.S. Avinash Reddy on Saturday reacted to the series of remarks and allegations that APCC chief Y.S. Sharmila made against him in the former MP Y.S.

YS Avinash reacts to Sharmila's comments Kadapa MP Y.S. Avinash Reddy on Saturday reacted to the series of remarks and allegations that APCC chief Y.S. Sharmila made against him in the former MP Y.S.

India / Andhra Pradesh :

Kadapa MP Y.S. Avinash Reddy has addressed the series of allegations leveled against him by APCC chief Y.S. Sharmila regarding the Vivekananda Reddy murder case. Reacting to Sharmila's comments during her campaign, Avinash Reddy maintained a composed stance, choosing not to engage directly with the accusations.

Having been re-nominated from the Kadapa Lok Sabha seat by Chief Minister Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy, Avinash Reddy expressed his perspective on the situation. "Rivals can speak anything. I believe the best thing is to leave their comments to their wisdom," he stated, indicating his reluctance to indulge in a back-and-forth exchange.

Sharmila has been actively targeting Avinash Reddy during her campaign, urging voters to exercise caution and not support him in order to eradicate criminality from Kadapa district politics. However, Avinash Reddy refrained from responding directly to these allegations, acknowledging their severity but choosing not to dignify them with a response.

Avinash Reddy emphasized the need to avoid getting embroiled in baseless accusations and mudslinging, suggesting that responding to every allegation would only perpetuate the cycle of negativity. By adopting a restrained approach, he aims to maintain focus on his campaign and avoid distractions from the issues at hand.

In conclusion, Avinash Reddy's response to Sharmila's allegations reflects a strategic decision to refrain from engaging in a public feud. Instead, he prioritizes maintaining a positive campaign environment and focusing on the welfare of the constituency.

Source : Deccan Chroncile

Tags : Allegations , Kadapa Lok Sabha seat , Y.S. Sharmila , Y.S. Avinash Reddy , AP Polls , Vivekananda Reddy murder case ,

Summary : Kadapa MP Y.S. Avinash Reddy has responded to the allegations made against him by APCC chief Y.S. Sharmila regarding the Vivekananda Reddy murder case. Avinash Reddy refrained from directly addressing Sharmila's remarks, stating that responding to baseless allegations would only lead to continued mudslinging.


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