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Chandrayaan-3 Completes Final Orbit-Raising Manoeuvre, Aims for Lunar Insertion

Published On : 2023-07-26T09:55:56+0530 [ IST ] | Author : Mayur_Tembhare
Home Technology Space

Final orbit-raising manoeuvre of Chandrayaan-3 | Pic Twetted by ISRO

Final orbit-raising manoeuvre of Chandrayaan-3 | Pic Twetted by ISRO

India :

Indian spacecraft Chandrayaan-3 has successfully completed its fifth and final orbit-raising manoeuvre, taking a significant step towards lunar insertion. The spacecraft will now transition to an Earth-to-Moon trajectory, where it will be pulled into lunar orbit by the Moon's gravity. The mission's ultimate objective is to achieve a soft landing on the lunar surface.

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) confirmed the successful execution of the orbit-raising manoeuvre, known as Earth-bound perigee firing, from the ISRO Telemetry, Tracking and Command Network (ISTRAC) in Bengaluru. The spacecraft is anticipated to attain an orbit of 127,609 km x 236 km, but confirmation will follow after further observations.

The next crucial step in the mission is the TransLunar Injection (TLI), scheduled for August 1, between 12 midnight and 1 am IST. The TLI will propel Chandrayaan-3 onto its trajectory towards the Moon, a critical phase that will pave the way for the spacecraft's arrival at the lunar South Pole.

Chandrayaan-3, India's third lunar mission, embarked on its journey from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh, on July 14. The mission aims to achieve a historic soft landing on the lunar surface, accompanied by a lander and rover, an accomplishment achieved only by a select group of elite nations—the United States, the erstwhile Soviet Union, and China.

If successful, India will join this prestigious group of spacefaring nations in achieving the feat of a soft landing on the Moon. The mission represents a momentous leap for India's space exploration efforts and is expected to enhance our understanding of the lunar environment, opening new avenues for scientific discoveries and advancements in space technology.

With the next critical phase, the TransLunar Injection, just around the corner, the nation eagerly awaits the unfolding of this landmark lunar mission. As Chandrayaan-3 sets its course for the Moon, hopes are high for a successful endeavour that will further solidify India's position in the realm of space exploration.


Source : Indian Space Research Organization

Tags : Orbit-Raising Manoeuvre , Chandrayaan-3 , Moon Mission , Soft Landing , Lunar Insertion ,

Summary : The Indian spacecraft Chandrayaan-3 has successfully completed its final orbit-raising manoeuvre, bringing it closer to lunar insertion. The spacecraft is expected to attain an orbit of 127,609 km x 236 km, and the next step, the TransLunar Injection (TLI), is scheduled for August 1. Chandrayaan-3 aims to achieve a soft landing on the lunar surface at the Moon's South Pole, joining the elite nations that have accomplished this feat. The mission represents a significant milestone in India's space exploration efforts and has garnered high expectations for success.


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