Odisha's royal family hosts the week of Italian cuisine at their residence

https://sunrisechronicles.com/en/news/odishas-royal-family-hosts-the-week-of-italian-cuisine-at-their-residence Odisha's royal family hosts the week of Italian cuisine at their residence #culinarysocialcalendar.”-akshitamanjaribhanjdeo #Kolkata #Celebrating #Mayurbhanj #ConsulGeneral #PraveenChandraBhanjDeo #SwarupDutta #From #dancelocalngoprojectchhauniaculinaryjourney #Renowned [ culinarysocial calendar .”- akshita manjari bhanj deo, Kolkata, Celebrating, Mayurbhanj, Consul General, Praveen Chandra Bhanj Deo, Swarup Dutta, From, dancelocal ngo project chhaunia culinary journey, Renowned, ]