CMRL gives ₹3,657crore contract to BEML for driverless metro trains in Chennai CMRL gives ₹3,657crore contract to BEML for driverless metro trains in Chennai #metroscopeincludesdepotmachinery #railchennaichennaimetroraillimited #These #March #April #depotofphase2metrorailexpansionin #testingundergo14months #chennai53crorecontracttobemllimitedforprocuring70driverlessthree #trainsservecorridors3 #raillimitedchennaimetrorailchennai [ metroscope includes depot machinery, railchennaichennai metro raillimited, These, March, April, depotofphase 2 metro rail expansionin, testingundergo 14 months, chennai53crore contract tobeml limitedfor procuring 70 driverless three, trainsserve corridors 3, raillimitedchennai metro railchennai, ]